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stable fracture中文是什么意思

用"stable fracture"造句"stable fracture"怎么读"stable fracture" in a sentence


  • 稳定性骨折


  • Wherefore , other two energy - based fracture parameters are put forward : the stable fracture energy gfs , indicating the average energy dissipation during the crack stable propagation and the unstable fracture energy gfu , corresponding to the crack unstable fracture stage . wedge . ? splitting specimens are tested with a view to understanding those two parameters " size effect in terms of the initial crack length a0
    本文提出两个能量型断裂参数即稳定断裂能g _ ( fs )和失稳断裂能g _ ( fu )分别表示裂缝稳定扩展和失稳扩展阶段的能量损耗,并采用楔入劈拉试件( ws )对这两个参数相对初始缝长_ 0的尺寸效应进行了分析。
用"stable fracture"造句  


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